Piles to read before I shop


Hola folks and happy new year. I know we’re almost done with 1/12th of the year but I like to think that while we’re in January the year is still new.

Here I am with my 2018 reading plan though I’ve already done four books and am mighty pleased with myself. It’s a good start, I’d say.

Last year I’d drawn up a rather elaborate list of categories and books I’d planned to read. I made decent headway during the first few months and then I lost my way.

The thing with books is that new ones keep dropping onto your radar in a terribly distracting manner. Before you know it you’re at your kindle ordering one and then another one and then another and you’re reading ones you’d never planned to but found that you just had to. That’s what makes sticking to a list so very tough. A friend’s recommendation, a great review, a FB group discussion anything can lure you away.

So I meandered. And to tell you the truth, I am not one bit sorry because I read some super fabulous books that’ll remain on my favourite list for ever. This is one act of unfaithfulness that yields wonderful results and no regrets.

However this year, I am setting goals which are more realistic and, hopefully more budget friendly.

Reading Resolution No1

I’m staying away from all Challenges except the one on Goodreads where I’ll be reading 37 books. That might sound like an odd number. Last year I’d pledged 35 and managed to complete the challenge. I wanted to raise the bar just a little bit and 40 sounded too much so 37 it is.

Reading Resolution No2

In addition to that first one I am also taking up the ‘Read My Own Damn Books Challenge’. This, I think, is a fabulous idea, which kicked off way back in 2015 at Estella’sRevenge . Considering that I have half a dozen unread books on my kindle and a tottering pile by my bedside I really should get to them. I don’t think I’ll finish them all but try I shall.

Reading Resolution No3

Finish last year’s list. I’d gone to a lot of trouble to make the list and it has some wonderful books on it. It would be a shame to dump it all.

So there, that’s it. That’s my reading plan for this year.

If you have a reading plan or resolutions around books do share with me in the comments or leave a link if you’ve done a post. Would love to drop by and catch up.

Linking up with Shantala’s #ChattyBlogs

10 Replies to “Piles to read before I shop”

  1. I rememeber the list you had made, and it was very interesting. 🙂 Hope you complete more books from that list this year.

    I had a decent 2017, reading-wise. I’m trying a few challenges this year, and I think it spurs me toward reading what I have on Kindle/Paperback already without buying. Trying to fit the books I have into the categories of Popsugar and such. So far so good. 😀

    Hope you exceed 37 and hit 40. It’d be good, no? Happy New Year 2018!


  2. First of all, I like the way you have twisted the original quote (in the title)!
    I don’t take any reading challenges except Goodreads reading challenge. I couldn’t complete it last year, and this year (I’ve planned 36 books, again) I have decided to be a better reader. But, the thing is that instead of reading those wonderful books that I bought last year, I’m making a new list, buying books and planning to buying some more. Also, I have this habit of saving good books (according to reviews & recommendations) for later (thinking that I’ll read it aaraam se). I’ll try to break this habit this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good luck Tulika! I’m in awe of those who can read 35 books in a year. I user to read like that. Nowadays I need more time to lose myself in a book and process it fully. Maybe I’m growing old. I’ve set myself the good reads challenge too. Just 15 books. So let’s see how that goes. Oh yeah, I have all those unread books on my list too 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This looks like a doable task. Well, like last year I haven’t given myself a number or a book challenge. I just want to be focused on reading books. Although for starters I will now make a list of books to read and see how many do I get! 🙂


  5. I will stick with you for resolution 1 and 2. That’s the plan for me this year. Most importantly, I want to read good books and utilize my time better. I look out for your recos.


  6. I agree with so much here as this was my story last year much to my amazement as I am a self professed book lover. I just couldnt complete any reading last year and my Goodreads and Brunch reading challenges went for a toss- these are the only two I get hooked to.
    This year set a goal for 50 and my post on my last years best reads is WIP while this years reads are sorted and will be another post, post that one!!
    I refrained from buying books last year for 3-4 months and hoped the streak would continue but already bought 6 books in Jan – sigh!!!!! Budget setting is an excellent idea


  7. Good luck, Tulika! I read 30 in 2017 and I have got the goal down to 24 this year. Last year, I read to finish 30, the quality went down so I will try to read 24 but good ones 🙂


  8. It’s pretty much what I’m doing this year too, only sticking to the Goodreads challenge, and focusing on getting through the books I own. However, there are some mini reading projects (like reading all of Jane Austen in 2018) I want to accomplish, and I’m accommodating them in my Quarterly Goals, and so far it’s going great. Fingers crossed it stays that way.


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