5 ways to become a book lover #NationalBookLoversDay

You have a bunch of friends – all avid readers. Bibliophiles, they call themselves. Bookworms is what you think of them as. It gets to you the way they are always talking about books. They rave about Harry, drool over Darcy and laugh at Bertie Wooster. They rant when Chetan Bhagat judges a reality show and cry when Harper Lee passes away. Even as you are comforting, smiling or simply looking on in perplexity, you wish, fervently, to be a part of it all.

The thing is they’re readers and you’re so not.

Oh you do love a good story but ‘Where’s the time?’ you ask, and ‘Who has the patience?’ There are always things to be done, deadlines to be met, bosses to be pandered to, phone calls to make and chores to be completed. Then there are the books themselves – big and cumbersome. It’s a daunting task. Right?

Well, today is Book Lovers Day (aka National Book Lovers Day in the US) and here’s help for you if you want to become one. These five simple ideas might just help you join the club.

Read what you like

That’s the first rule of increasing your reading – Make it easy for yourself – you’re doing it for pleasure, right? Well don’t let it become a chore. No stomach for classics? Let them be. For now. Remember you’re in for the long haul. There’ll be time enough later. Pick a comic, a romance, a thriller, a short story anthology – whatever suits your fancy. Don’t be cowed down by book snobs, don’t go by what’s in and do not be embarrassed of your choices.

Read everywhere

Read at the doctor’s, read as you wait to pick your son from football class, read as you wait for the milk to boil, read on the bus, on the local, in the car. I’ll leave out ‘read in the loo’ in case my mum’s reading. But you know you can. Better than reading labels on bottles of moisturiser, I say. One’s got to keep oneself occupied after all.

Keep a book close by 

Make sure a book is always within easy reach – in your bag, in your top drawer, on the centre table of your living room. And never never leave the television remote on top of your book. You know what is most likely to happen, don’t you? Yeah you’ll pick up the remote to get to your book and will forget to let it go and before you know the television will be blaring and hours would have gone by, your reading time swallowed in one big time-leap. Remotes have a habit of doing that. Stash them away somewhere deep.

Never go ‘bookless’

Once you’ve finished a good book – make sure you have another one waiting. Reading is a habit that feeds on itself. You give yourself a gap and you begin to forget how much fun it is. Before you know it, months have gone by without you having read a thing.

Give technology a chance

If you put in Gone With the Wind in your holiday bag all you’ll end up with is a very painful shoulder. Go for a Kindle. It’s way easier to carry around specially while you’re travelling and want to carry more than one book. Give audio books a chance. It might not be reading but you’re still listening to a book. It might lead you to a real book one day.

That’s it. Vary your reading, mix up genres and keep at it. Once you strike a real friendship with books you’ll find joining in your friends’ book gossip is just the smallest of pleasures. Books will give you much more for they are friends, philosophers and guides all rolled in one enchanting mix.

10 Replies to “5 ways to become a book lover #NationalBookLoversDay”

  1. I hope everyone becomes a reader. But our school and society is not conducive to reading. No reading and discussion in lower classes which I see in foreign countries. Costly books and lack of libraries really hurts and economics takes over. I wish we have good, accessible libraries which are visible everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yup. I root for libraries. Unfortunately they are out of reach for the economically weaker sections while the more affluent people don’t frequent them enough. Children these days have lost the habit of browsing libraries. It used to be such a happy thing for us.


    1. Audio books is something I’ve not enjoyed something either but I love ebooks mainly for the convenience. Physical books shall always remain my first love.


  2. I think reading books should be mandatory! People who dont read dont know what they are missing out on!! These are perfect pointers to inspire and instill the habit of reading!! Read what you like and read everywhere are a great way to get into the amazing world of books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s right. I’ve been struggling to get the children to read and that’s where the post came from. Reading something, anything at all, is better than not reading at all because there’s the hope that you will graduate to something better over time.


  3. Great tips! I love reading but sometimes it gets shoved aside for the to do list. Many years I read fictional novels but lately I’ve been reading self help books. I used to have a Kindle but prefer the book because of its cover, pages and smell.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agree about the charm of physical books. I switch between my kindle and regular books. Oh and I’m a fiction reader though I do pick up the odd biography. However, of late I’ve been seeing so many non-fiction recommendations that I’m tempted to pick one up.


    1. Like I said, though I like physical books I have to acknowledge the ease of use of a kindle. I also love that I can make notes, specially if I’m reviewing a book professionally, and look up words too,

      Liked by 1 person

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