The Plumberry School of Comfort Food #BookReview

Book: The Plumberry School of Comfort Food
Author: Cathy Bramley

First, a confession: I read this book and wrote the review eons ago but forgot to share it here for some reason that I cannot remember, till I stumbled upon it in my drafts. And so here it is, The Plumberry School of Comfort Food.

I found the book at a Books by Weight Sale a few years ago and bought it only for it’s title. So when Shakespeare said ‘What’s in a name’ he really didn’t know what he was talking about. It sounded warm and happy and comforting. And that’s exactly what it turned out to be. The cover is lovely too, isn’t it? Happy and cheerful?

The story

The book is about Verity Bloom who works for an insurance company. She was once an amateur cook and enjoyed making fun Youtube videos with her childhood friend Mimi. When Mimi passes away, Verity loses all interest in cooking and turns into a Prick-and-Ping-Princess, someone who depended on the microwave to do all her cooking. Meanwhile Mimi’s mom Gloria, who had been a food stylist for television (I had no clue that was profession) decides to set up a Cookery School and calls over Verity to help her. Since she’s at a bit of a lose end in her professional as well as her personal life she agrees. That’s where Verity renews her love affair with food.

What I thought of it

This one is a simple feel-good book. Somedays that’s all I have the heart for. For starters I loved the setting – a quaint town called Plumberry. Isn’t that the sweetest of names? The School is wonderful and the cottages in the town, so very inviting.

Watching the women set up that school right from choosing a name to devising courses and planning marketing strategies to pull in the crowd was great fun. Some of the schemes they devised are good enough to be used in a real-life school of cooking, they were that innovative.

I loved the constant debate between the School’s celebrity Chef Tom and Verity about whether food should be serious business or something that spells fun and togetherness. The title gives away the winner but I could see Tom’s point of view too.

The book met another one of my criteria for a good read – a bunch of endearing side characters. There’s a cute little love triangle that keeps you guessing and a bit of a mystery thrown in for good measure.

I give it four stars for delivering on its promise and because I like romances with liberal doses of food and some humour.

I know I’ll be looking out for Cathy Bramley at the next sale.

Last thought: A sweet easy read to curl up with on a rainy day.

14 Replies to “The Plumberry School of Comfort Food #BookReview”

  1. This one seems like a book that I would love too for the same reasons: feel-good, food, humour. Though I don’t much care for romance and suspense, the other three would more than make up for those. So yes, it goes on my TBR list!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, somedays it’s nice to read something simple and uncomplicated, specially if it’s well written. The suspense is just one tiny bit and the romance is also gentle. All in all this was a truly comforting read. I hope you like it.


  2. I agree, the title takes the cake! So warm and inviting! Of late, these are the only kinds of reads I want to tuck into. No stomach or is it patience, for pot-boilers or suspenses! Going to look out for this book! Thanks for the recco!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are welcome Kala. Well I like pot-boilers and suspenses too but this was also fun. I like variety in my reads.


  3. I loved this one too. It played out like a movie in my head with Meryl Streep as Gloria for some reason. But, I wasn’t complaining 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The cover and the title are indeed intriguing- very brave of you to make this selection Tulika. I am always lost when I try to buy books like this and have ended up with ones I dont want to read at all.

    The premise sounds very sweet and I am wondering why there is no TV series on this one yet?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Buying books at Books by Weight is always a gamble unless the author is familiar. But I’ve come to realise it’s best to pick up easy romances. And sometimes you really hit the jackpot, like I did with this one and with The Rosie Project.


  5. I have never read a book about food… Unless it’s a cook book. 😊 This does sound like a lovely feel good book.


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