The two books of Harper Lee #BookDiscussion

I read To Kill a Mockingbird as a teen. For the longest time, I continued to count it in my favourites without actually remembering its finer nuances. You know how that happens, right? You remember you loved a book but you forget the exact bits that made you like it that much. Over the years, …

Eight Minutes Forty-Six Seconds in this Heartless World

I watched George Floyd die.  It was barely a surprise to be reminded of the existence of racism, I knew that, already. However, that it can be so brutal, so cruel and so clearly played out that someone could make a video, yet not be able to stop it - that was the horror of …

Five reasons I love Atticus Finch

This comes much much later than I planned but here it is - my own personal weekly A to Z series. This year in April I signed up for the A to Z Challenge with the topic 'Fascinating characters from books we love'. However I bowed out for fear of not doing justice to the characters under …