The Call of the Wind

‘Mama may I roll down my window, please?’ ‘No don’t.’ ‘Why?’ Saba sighed. After a not-particularly-good day at work she really could do without this. This is the worst part of parenting, she thought to herself, this having to always always explain yourself. Seher’s ‘Why’ still hung in the air waiting for her response. ‘Because,’ …

The Fragrance of Love

At the first hint of his arrival she would start withdrawing - quietly, unobtrusively. Gathering up her diaphanous gown she would go around swiftly, pulling down the thick green curtains of her tiny room. And she would sit, waiting for him to leave. He would arrive with a flourish - happy, cheerful, too cheerful, she …

Lord of the Files

‘Hello! Good morning. How may I help you?’ ‘I want an appointment for this weekend’. ‘We don’t work on weekends.’ ‘Oh yes. Darn it! How could I forget! How about this Friday?’ ‘Friday? This Friday? This Friday is just three days away. We’re all booked.’ ‘How about next week then? Monday?’ Sigh! ‘We’re booked all …

The Meeting

It’s going to be a tough day today. I can feel it. I know what you are thinking, ‘Since when did men start doing this intuition thing?’ Not my style either, but today I feel it in my gut. I mean how much fun can it be to meet up with your fiancee’s US-returned childhood …

Lemon Pie Cafe

He stood in front of the cafe enjoying the crisp winter morning. The air felt cool on his hot face. As a young couple walked in, the glass doors swung open and he caught sight of his reflection. He couldn’t help giving a self-satisfied smile. I look good, thought he, glancing appreciatively at his golden mop, its bright …

The Bar-A-Thon begins

I haven’t dilly dallied ever about anything as I have about this fortnight-long Blog Marathon. - the Bar-a-thon. I could do a whole blogpost on the ideas that I’ve thought and rejected because they just didn't seem to come together. Finally, I’m plunging right in with no plan at all, taking a day at a …

Go Read a Book

As I pack a gift for your friend’s birthday I hear you groan, “A book, again?” I hear it, though you think you're being discreet, trying to spare my feelings. And yes, it’s going to be a book every time. When you come to me and say. ‘I’m bored,’ I know you have your eye on the iPad. …

The teacher

Sangita's eyes drooped. Who ever said sleep deserts the old, she thought to herself, as she struggled to keep her eyes open. There was a time she could stay awake well past midnight, waiting for her husband to get home from his shift at the steel foundry. But now, come 10 o clock and she …